Our Programs
Disaster Relief
In times of disaster we aim to minimize human suffering and material losses by offering emergency relief services. We continue to provide our long term relief through post disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction projects. We work in collaboration with other humanitarian agencies and follow internationally recognized standards in humanitarian response.
Humanity First has provided relief to victims of earthquakes, Tsunami, Typhoons, Hurricanes, Floods, Drought and outbreak of disease. We have responded in following countries:
Haiti, Nepal, Japan, USA, Philippines, Pakistan, India, Nigeria, Niger, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Chad, Cameroon, Belize, Ecuador, Indonesia, Fiji, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
Water for Life
We take “water” for granted. Turn the tap water is there! Don’t like tap water – buy bottled water! Getting clean drinking water is assumed as our right. Imagine a different world – A world without water! No taps – No bottled water. If you need water you will have to walk 5 or 10 kilometers to get it. There are places in the world where clean water is only a dream. There are many communities in the world who are deprived of basic necessities of life.Humanity First brings water to these deprived communities. Humanity First drills water wells, bore holes and installs and repairs hand pumps to provide clean drinking water in remote villages and poor communities in Africa, South East Asia and Central/South America.Humanity First offers following water solutions:
- Hand Pumps
- Bore Holes with Electrical Motors
- Water Wells
- Water Filtration Systems
- Water Filtration Tablets
Global Health
Humanity First offers healthcare services in remote and underserved communities to provide primary health care and meet their preventive and medical needs including Oral Health and Dental Hygiene programs.
Mobile Medical Camps take place in deserving communities in Africa and South Asia, and medical equipment is also donated to hospitals/clinics to treat acute and chronic diseases.
Humanity First offers maternal and child health programs in underserved communities.
Gift of Sight Program
Humanity First routinely holds Cataract Surgery Camps under its very popular Gift off Sight Program to restore vision. Humanity First provides a pair of eyeglasses to those who are in need of glasses, but have financial limitations; as long as this expense is not covered or funded by any other source.
Food Security
We dream of a future where no one is without a shelter, no one sleeps hungry and no child goes to school without breakfast. Until then, Humanity First will continue to help people living below the poverty line by putting food on their table through food support programs, such as food banks, mobile meals, and bulk distribution of food in the poor communities.
Food Bank
Humanity First is running Feed a Family Program through our Food Bank located in Vaughan, Ontario serving communities across York Region and GTA. We provide food hampers containing non-perishable food items to individuals and families struggling for daily sustenance.Humanity First Food Bank delivers food hampers to those who are in need and cannot reach a food bank due to physical disability or lack of transportation. These clients face numerous challenges leaving them with little or no money for food and other necessities after paying their rent and utilities.
Feed the Homeless Program
Under Feed the Homeless program, Humanity First regularly distributes food to homeless people on the street and in temporary shelters. Humanity First reaches out to homeless individuals and delivers hot meals and other food items on special occasions during the year. The volunteer teams cruise with vehicles loaded with food, locating various homeless people.
Feed the Hungry Program
Under Feed the Hungry Program, Humanity First distributes meat and food packages to poor communities in Africa. We have served hundreds of thousands of people in Senegal, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon and Kenya.
Knowledge for Life
Children are the future of humanity; and we shape our future. Humanity First supports underprivileged children to improve their academic performance by sponsoring their educational needs.Internationally, we support schools with provision of school supplies, furniture and building of school facilities in underprivileged communities.Locally, we sponsor students and schools facing formidable challenges in their academic growth due to budget cuts, lack of desired resources, necessities, or any other circumstances. Moreover, our Scholarship Program awards scholarships to deserving, yet bright students in Canada.
Learn a Skill
In an effort to alleviate poverty, Humanity First offers vocational training of basic computer and sewing skills through several vocational training centers in African countries such as in Nigeria, Niger, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Benin, Ghana and Gambia. The training provided opens avenues for people to become self-sufficient either by running their own business or by getting employment for better future.
Refugee Resettlement
Global forced displacement is an emerging challenge since many years. Humanity First is working at the fore front of privately sponsoring refugees and resettling them in Canada. These refugees begin a new life in Canada and become positive and contributing members of the society. Humanity First offers to refugees:
- Safety with Dignity
- Care with Compassion
- Support with Respect
- Accommodation with Comfort
- Training for employment
- Education with Hope
Orphan Care
There are millions of orphan children around the world and many of them do not have access to basic needs, including food, health and education. The Orphan Care program provides the orphan children a family environment under the care of foster parents and meets their basic needs, such as:
- Food
- Clothing
- Shelter
- Education
- Health Care
- Love & Hope
Open the door of opportunities for a child through a small donation of $35 a month!
Community Care
Humanity First has several community care programs to alleviate the hidden human suffering from various challenges in life due to age, gender, language barriers, physical disabilities and remote communities.
Seniors First Program
A Canadian based program that caters to the needs of senior citizens by offering them health and wellbeing sessions, outing trips, basic computer literacy classes, conversational English classes and food support.
Tax Clinics
Humanity First provides tax filing services to low income families, new comers, refugees and students.
Model Village
Humanity First Model Village project focuses on those remote areas where basic necessities are non-existent, such as water supply, sanitation, electricity, education, vocational training and health services. Through this project, Humanity First brings livelihood in the village and transforms it into a developing community and gives hope to its future generations to come.
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